When to start?
The lifestyle we should adopt is a set of attitudes and behaviors that we must adapt and develop collectively or individually to satisfy our needs and achieve personal development.
To achieve a long life without disease, it is essential to be consistent in the healthy habits mentioned above, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate rest and connection with nature.
Of improvement
Healing Lifestyle
In life, we are often diagnosed with a pathology that we are suffering from, but fortunately, there is the possibility of reversing the disease to zero and starting a healthy lifestyle.
Fatal Lifestyle
At any time in our lives, we can receive a fatal diagnosis and the doctor will determine a highly careful lifestyle, sometimes irreversible, and we must only survive until the moment of transcendence.
The majority of the population does not enjoy a healthy lifestyle. From the moment we are born, we can maintain good health: nature provides us with systems, organs, tissues and cells responsible for helping us develop it.
From the moment we are born, we may suffer from symptoms of possible diseases or, at some point in our lives, spend days or months suffering from various symptoms until the day we receive a diagnosis.